Pink Suitcase ready and waiting. Check. PJ's and Slippers, hot pink, of course. Check. Big fluffy robe. Check. My Bible. Check. Tom Clancy novel. Check. Devotional. Check. Crossword puzzles. Check. Laptop loaned by a friend. Check. Toothbrush...not yet. Just about ready for tommorow's trip to the hospital.
Christmas was wonderful. In the evening Bob proposed a trip to Chicago to check out the lights. Even though Marshall Field didn't have the spot lights on, the windows were lovely. And the tree in Daley Plaza...what can I say? The international booths are there, but not opened at 7 PM on Christmas evening. It was cooooold too. The temperature was theoretically only 30 degrees or so, but as usual the Windy City out did itself with a brisk breeze which numbed my fingers until I realized I did, indeed, have a pair of gloves in my purse. We got a picture with the Marshall Field sign behind us...and several around the big tree. (I'm uploading one of the pictures.)
Yesterday I had breakfast with Brad, Rachel and the girls. Then the girls spend a few hours here. We made "Little Golden" books and watched Vegetales' "An Easter Carol". (Who says we have to wait til spring for Easter?). Tonight the Rob and Christy will be here as well as Rachel and the girls (Brad is working) for dinner. Then tomorow my sister arrives.
And tomorrow...I'll be off to the hospital.
Thanks to all of you for your prayers. Next time I write will probably be post-surgery. The laptop is wireless, but I doubt they'll let me go on line in the hospital. We shall see.
God Bless Us Every One!
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