It was General Conference, way too late for the boys to be up and are they objecting. But at this stage in my life I was sooooo sure of the path!
(Now, I'm only sure that that is one really big hairdo)
Trust in the Lord
Proverbs 3:5,6
One of the notable things about God: He is consistent. He also keeps repeating things until we "get" them. The sermon this morning contained the scripture from Jeremiah 29:11 that I have repeated in the blog several times in the last couple of weeks (and have received in various ways from various sources not at all connected with one another, except through the anointing of God) and also the Proverb referenced above: "Trust in the Lord with all of thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct thy path." I'm getting it -- loud and clear -- He is directing my path! He has plans for me and they are for good, to prosper me and not for my destruction.
I've written in several past blogs about the Call of God and described ways in which God has called and I have answered. I haven't written about the times when I know he has called and, like Adam and Eve, I have hidden from His presence. But now there's a new element to His Call on my life: it's inevitable, impossible not to answer. It's a call to His Presence, a call to follow Him through darkness, a call to approach His throne when I must feel my way there. A Call that will lead through the thick cloud of pain and illness; a call that will require a fight for life itself. But as long as I recognize this era, too, as a Call from God, I can face it with fortitude and the knowledge that He Himself leads the way.
I think again...What do people do when they do not know God? I am blessed!
Pastor Phylis
I've written in several past blogs about the Call of God and described ways in which God has called and I have answered. I haven't written about the times when I know he has called and, like Adam and Eve, I have hidden from His presence. But now there's a new element to His Call on my life: it's inevitable, impossible not to answer. It's a call to His Presence, a call to follow Him through darkness, a call to approach His throne when I must feel my way there. A Call that will lead through the thick cloud of pain and illness; a call that will require a fight for life itself. But as long as I recognize this era, too, as a Call from God, I can face it with fortitude and the knowledge that He Himself leads the way.
I think again...What do people do when they do not know God? I am blessed!
Pastor Phylis
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