"Stop for a Moment"
(Yeah! The pic and CD are from 1993 -- I was singing with the choir at that point. I first learned "Stop for a Moment" here.)
We sang this song in worship this morning. I've always liked it . . . never more than now. Faith is such an interesting phenomena! While I have my moments, I've never been more sure of the hand of God in my life. At the same time, I've never been less sure of what He is really doing. Although my brain just won't concoct scenarios of how this time of illness will bring Glory to Him and bring good for my life, I'm still very certain that this is His hand.
My entire life, I've been able to "imagine" success, to imagine how things will work out for good. Most of the time my little daydreams are just that, daydreams, and no more. This time I cannot explain to you why this had happened, how God will use this to edify me and His Kingdom, or what the outcome will be. But I am very certain that God will do exactly that.
Stop for a Moment
He's there for you, to see you through
Come what may, hold on;
It's just your turn; to face your test.
Go through with faith ; For my God knows what's best.
He told you not to worry; he told you not to fret
Though the tears fall from your eyes
And your questions yet raise "Why?"
You feel your faith won't grow; Your troubles just won't go
You get discouraged.
Stop for a moment
Please just be still.
You are an heir of His will.
If you mean what you say,
and you pray in Jesus' Name
The prayer that you pray,
the answer's on the way.
(Song by Dan Willis)
Come what may, hold on;
It's just your turn; to face your test.
Go through with faith ; For my God knows what's best.
He told you not to worry; he told you not to fret
Though the tears fall from your eyes
And your questions yet raise "Why?"
You feel your faith won't grow; Your troubles just won't go
You get discouraged.
Stop for a moment
Please just be still.
You are an heir of His will.
If you mean what you say,
and you pray in Jesus' Name
The prayer that you pray,
the answer's on the way.
(Song by Dan Willis)
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