After I finally was released from the hospital on Friday, I came home and rested for about an hour. But I was getting restless so I decided to go ahead and go to music practice Friday night. I felt better afterward...although I must say the loss of a few million brain cells due to anesthesia was immediately obvious. On one of the songs (one I struggle with a bit anyway and have sung at least two different part for in the past), I ended up singing both alto and tenor before I could settle in on the soprano line. But it went fine this morning (pictured above), Jackson Pratt drain and all ... I had the bulb in an interior pocket, but the line slid out and I didn't even realize it until I saw the pictures.
I also discovered that I have lost the ability to remember a phone number for the space of time it takes to get from my desk to the living room. (About 10 seconds). So much for mnemonic devices: repeating it aloud didn't help, clumping didn't help ... I didn't try the good old-fashioned "write it down". I'm sure memory will recover as surgery effects recede! (In the meantime, I'm carrying a small notebook to write down everything!)
It felt so good this morning just doing what I know to do. Participating in worship is not something I'm willing to forego if I'm physically able. I trust God throughout whatever is to come. I need His strength; one of the ways that I feel strengthened is through worship, be it public or private.
I'm not deceiving myself by believing that there won't be dark days, but as we were reminded in the Word this morning God created both light and dark. He will be with me and guide me, be the day dark or light. It will not be the first time that God and I have traversed the dark valley!
Pastor Phylis
Jubilee Christian Centre Website:
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